Real Estate

Spring 2022 Market Update

IT’S POOL SEASON! Home buyers are shopping for pools! It’s that time of year again! Pool season! Buyers searching for a home with a pool, are on the hunt. Its front and centre on their mind, for many reasons. Generally, this time of year people are opening their pools. And setting up their back yards for the summer months. I mean, who isn’t excited for the nice weather, BBQs and pool time (if...

Winter & Spring 2022 Market Update

Did I just mention spring? We are literally surrounded by snow! ...I know - but it’s something to look forward to. And it is just around the corner. You can start planning and preparing for your warmer weather projects. If you’re still on the fence about buying or selling, get the facts from a professional. Don’t base your decisions on what you hear in the media. It never hurts to be informed on...

Fall & Winter Real Estate Market Update

Is December a good time to sell my house? The summer seems long behind us now, and the weather is growing colder every day. We are all getting ready for the winter months, putting away the lawn furniture, servicing the snow blowers and getting out the winter coats. I don’t mind winter; I love the idea a snowstorm and a roaring fire. But I dislike shoveling that snow and my soaring heat bill! I often...

OMG! Did I miss the fall real estate market?

Were you endlessly scanning REALTOR® sites but finding a whole lot of nothing... and because you found nothing you did nothing? GOOD NEWS! Buyers are still looking to find their new home before the holidays. I’ve designed my “5 Steps to Buying in a Crazy Market” plan specifically for people like you! If you want to buy, but you can’t quite figure out where to go, or when to start contact...

Summer 2021 Market Update

When should I sell? Now or later? The age-old question I often hear from clients, friends, and family. And there is no right or wrong answer. Some people think waiting until the spring is always the answer. Yet, I love the fall market. Historically the real estate market hits a bit of a lull during the dog days of summer. But one thing we have learned this past year is nothing is normal anymore! Others...

Spring 2021 Market Update

Ahhh, the spring weather is here! Trees are budding, the grass is getting green, and everyone is outside. Basically, all those warm-weather feelings are here in full force! All of the "lawn gurus" have been out fertilizing and prepping for this year's competition of the "best grass on the street". Do you live with a "lawn guru"? You know the type, always watching to see what the neighbours are doing. What...

September 2020 Market Update

My favorite time of year is upon us! I know it sounds a little cliché – everyone says they love the fall season. For almost everyone I talk to it’s usually the obvious reasons; kids are back to school, brilliant colours, cooler weather, fall fairs and family gatherings. (although some of these will be different this year thanks to COVID!). I also love the fall season because it feels like a...

July 2020 Market Update

What does the future look like for buyers and sellers? After many attempts to write my bi-monthly newsletter; here it is. I’m not sure why I had such a hard time; but there is a lot happening, adapting to this ‘new normal’. Wondering what will be in-store for parents and kids come September, and the economy – there are many different theories on how all of this will affect the housing...

Buying and Selling During Covid-19

Buying and Selling During These Uncertain Times. WHAT ARE THE OPTIONS FOR YOU? While real estate services have been deemed essential – it is not business as usual. Like all Canadians, I have been putting safety first, both for my clients and myself. All of my in-person showings and appointments are being conducted with social distancing rules in place, Lysol wipes, hand sanitizing and plenty of hand...

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